Hunter Trials Read online

Page 4

  We climbed into the carriage lit by a small gas lantern and the driver spurred on the horses. We took off at high speed and I gave Father an excited look.

  He reached down beneath the seat, taking a long package wrapped in silk. Handing it to me, I unsheathed a long blade, engraved with our family name on the hilt.

  I glanced up at Father, my heart beating harder.

  “A gift,” he announced. “You will make your first kill with dis.” He reached out, touching my wrist. “Son, de world is still full of ignorance. I am respected here. De white men still hold a certain contempt for those of darker skin.”

  I frowned, nodding. He'd told me this before. Of how he'd gained authority amongst them. How unusual it was for someone of his colour to be not only respected, but rich beyond many of their wildest dreams. Of how his marriage to my mother had been gossiped about in the resort, how unusual it was, how wrong. But Father was changing the world because of it.

  “I have spent my entire life fighting for our freedom. Dis is a new world. A place where we are kings amongst men. You will not be disrespected here. But one day, when you leave dis place, you may not find de world so welcoming.”

  I nodded, saddened by the thought. “How did you do it, Father? How did you get here?” He'd never told me about his past before. But now I was older, maybe he would. Maybe I'd learn the ways to earn respect in the world like he had.

  He smiled, his eyes sparkling with mystery. “I grew up in Jamaica, de son of a freed slave who fought in de uprising. I was poor, but I fought for my place in de world. Many of de white men still treated us like cattle. But I started to trade with de pirates who came to Port Royal. I made a name for meself amongst dem. And when I had earned enough money, I started a brothel. I hosted my first ever games in de cellar.”

  I nodded keenly, hoping he'd go on, but he didn't elaborate, glancing out of the window as we arrived on the strip. We sailed past saloons and brightly-lit casinos. The world around me came to life with colour and I forgot all about my father's story, too excited by what was to come.

  The carriage pulled up outside a redbrick hotel with armed guards standing outside it in dark uniforms.

  My father led the way out of the carriage and eyes wheeled in my direction, taking me in. He pressed a hand to my back, leading me into the hotel and passing through a lobby of marble. We entered a huge hall with a large stage at the back of it. Men in fine clothing were sat at tables with drinks in their hands. Some nodded to my father as we passed and comments were exchanged about me.

  “That's his son. The half-blood boy.”

  I swallowed the lump rising in my throat, lifting my chin, taking pride in who I was.

  My father led me onto the stage and a spotlight made me squint back at the crowd who started clapping.

  “Tonight my son will make his first kill, live and for your entertainment!” My father called to the crowd and the applause grew louder.

  Father stepped aside, gesturing to someone off stage. A moment later, a guard ascended, dragging a haggard-looking Vampire on a chain. It was male with sunken, soulless eyes and a emaciated torso.

  Father nodded to me and I lifted my blade, adrenaline surging through me.

  The guard dragged the V closer and for a moment, I hesitated, gazing at its weak form. It wasn't like I'd imagined. Father had shown me pictures of the Vs, looking like monsters. But this seemed more like an animal. But I'd killed animals before...

  Steeling myself, I stepped closer to it.

  “As I taught you,” Father murmured in my ear, placing a hand to my back and nudging me toward it.

  Figuring it was best to get it over with, I lurched forward and brought my blade up to its neck.

  It snapped its fangs at me and my stomach knotted as I slashed the sword across its throat.

  Blood spilled and the guard kicked out its knees, bringing it down before me.

  I blinked, my heart rate climbing.

  “Finish de job,” my father urged. “Show me how strong you are.”

  I moved behind it as the V tried to get up, sliding the blade in front of its neck and tugging hard. I wanted to prove my worth, to show I could so this, that I deserved to be there. That I was as strong as every other man in that room.

  The blade sliced through flesh and bone and I fell backwards, hitting the ground as it cut all the way through, severing the head of the Vampire. My father picked it up by the hair, showing it to the crowd and roaring cheers filled my ears.

  Pride filled my chest. At last, I was a real man.

  Several hands dragged me out of bed. Chanting filled my ears from down in the cavern. I tried to wriggle free from the men, but they were strong as hell. They pulled me to the edge of the cave and I spotted the masses gathered below me again. Hawke stood by the exit, watching on as I was poked and encouraged to descend the ladder. I hurried down it and the crowd shoved me along until I was standing before Hawke.

  Before I could ask what the hell was going on, someone tugged a linen bag over my head. I was dragged along again, the chanting growing to a deafening clamour.

  We walked on and on, the chanting calling to me from all around the cave system, sounding from the other clans.

  Eventually, I was tugged to a halt and someone whipped the bag off of my head. My heart dipped and I stumbled back, finding my feet right at the edge of a huge precipice. It looked as deep as the one I'd fallen through to enter Dødstårn, the bottom shrouded in darkness.


  I looked to my left, spotting Colt beside me with a green sash around his neck. Women surged forward with buckets in their hands, filled with a black tar-like substance. I was still wearing the dress from the ceremony and someone tugged it over my head before passing me shorts and a ripped black top. I hurriedly pulled them on, thankful of Colt averting his eyes from my nakedness. He was given only shorts to wear and as soon as we were dressed, the women started smearing the black tar all over our skin.

  Tykera was amongst them, keeping her eyes downcast as she wiped the stuff up my legs. It was sticky and warm, drying as it met the cool air.

  I glanced at Colt again. He seemed unharmed. I wondered if he'd been through any strange rituals in his new clan.

  They turned me to face the pit, rubbing the tar up my back.

  My stomach churned at the sight ahead of me. In the darkness of the cave, I spotted two chains hanging before us. I glanced up toward the cavernous roof, following the line of them to a wooden platform.

  Hawke appeared behind me and Arabella approached Colt.

  “Mercy of Nox and Colt of Vita,” Hawke began. “Tonight, you face your first test to prove your worth. The clans are only as strong as their weakest link. If you cannot complete this task, you will meet your death.” He pounded his fist against his chest. “Clan Nox!”

  “Clan Nox!” shouted his people in response.

  Arabella thumped her own chest. “Clan Vita!”

  “Clan Vita!” her clan echoed.

  My stomach clenched tightly.

  I glanced over my shoulder, my body beginning to tremble.

  Arabella lifted her chin. “You will climb to the platform or fall to your death. Completing this task will award you your first stripe of honour in your clan. If you fail, you will prove your lack of worth.”

  Hawke gently placed a hand on my spine and I flinched, expecting him to push me.

  Oh my God. How am I ever going to do this?

  I might have had Hunter strength, but climbing that chain looked impossible.

  Fear radiated through me in waves.

  Hawke's breath floated over my neck as he whispered to me, “The faster you climb, the less strain you'll put on your arms. Do not get fatigued, it will equal your death.”

  “Easier said than done,” I muttered.

  He paused before saying, “I have faith in you.”

  My heart swelled a little. Faith? I didn't think anyone had had that in me before me.

  Colt caught my eye, h
is brow taut. “We'll do it together.”

  I gave him a small smile, but my lips would barely budge.

  “On the count of three, you will jump,” Arabella announced. “If you don't, your clan will surge forward and push you over the edge.”

  Terror scorched my heart.

  Were they serious? I'd already killed a girl in cold blood just hours ago, wasn't that enough to be deemed 'worthy'?

  I took a steadying breath as Hawke and Arabella counted down in unison.


  My heart screamed at me not to jump.

  I have to heart, I bloody have to!


  I leapt forward with all the energy I could muster. It was a four foot gap. I sailed over it, arms outstretched, my heart slamming into my ribcage.

  Somehow, impossibly, I caught the chain. My arms yanked in their sockets and I held on for dear life, swinging wildly across the cavern.

  A girlish scream escaped my throat and laughter sailed to me from the clans.


  I gritted my teeth, clinging on tighter, adjusting my hold as I gazed up at the platform high above me. It was nearly fifty feet to the top and my arms were already shaking.

  Colt started climbing his chain, one hand over the other. When I didn't move, he turned and shouted at me, “Climb!”

  My mind kicked into gear. I reached up with trembling fingers, gripping the chain as I yanked myself upwards.

  I'm strong. I can do this.

  One hand at a time, I made slow progress up the chain, keeping my legs locked around it. Hawke's advice was doing me no good. I couldn't go any faster than I was.

  Colt stayed with me, just a few feet above.

  “Go you idiot, don't wait for me,” I begged. What if he fell because I was too weak to make this climb?

  He didn't look particularly strained though, hanging from one arm as he knotted the chain around his foot to rest his weight.

  “I told you we're doing this together,” he growled. “Do as I'm doing. Copy me.”

  I nodded, flailing as I tried to wrap my foot in the chain. We'd only moved ten feet and my biceps were already screaming for a break.

  On the third go, I managed to loop the chain around my foot and rest my weight, relaxing my arms a little.

  Sighing a breath, I gazed down at the crowd who started chanting again.

  Hawke folded his arms, glaring. “Don't look down stupid girl, look up.”

  I did as he said, keeping my eyes on the platform high above, trying to ignore the abyss below.

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pulled myself up another few feet, one hand at a time. I made slow progress and Colt never climbed beyond a few feet higher than me. I had no idea why he cared whether I lived or died. But I had to admit, the idea of him falling upset me too. So perhaps we'd sort-of maybe bonded in the time I'd been his prisoner.

  After another ten feet, I wrapped my foot in the chain, panting heavily, groaning as I rested my aching arms.

  Colt stopped too, eyeing me.

  “Please, Colt, you don't have to wait.”

  He grinned down at me. “Mercy, I haven't even broken a sweat yet. I'm good.”

  I pursed my lips, irritated by the sweat dripping down my neck.

  Bloody monkey man.

  I let one arm hang for a moment, wiping my slick palm on my top before repeating the action with the other. I lost my grip.

  My gut dropped.

  I slid down two feet fast, nearly losing hold of the chain.

  I cried out and the crowd whooped and hooted in response. I didn't know whether they were rooting for me or not.

  “Hold on!” Colt yelled and I clung on with all my might, dragging myself back up the chain.

  I shut my eyes as I used every ounce of strength I had to keep climbing.

  Just keep going. It's not that far.

  When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find I'd gained another ten feet. Hell, maybe I was stronger than I'd realised.

  Colt kept pace with me and we moved at a steady rate, higher and higher, bit by bit.

  Ten feet left.

  I can make it. I'm going to make it!

  A metallic clunk sounded above us and I spotted two men gazing down at us from the platform, pouring a large vat of something over the edge.

  I cried out as more of the tar poured over us, coating my body, blinding me as it splashed over my face.

  My grip loosened and I slid down several feet, screaming as I tried to wrap my leg in the chain. I managed it, tangling it tight. But I jolted to a stop so fast that I lost my grip.

  With a scream of terror, I fell, but the chain was still around my leg. I hung upside down, suspended like an idiot. My thigh burned where it was wrapped, squeezing tightly. I flailed madly, gazing down at the crowd below all laughing and pointing.

  Hawke had moved to the very edge of the drop, gazing up at me with a hard stare. “Get up,” he demanded.

  “Mercy, grab on!” Colt called to me.

  I used my core muscles to pull me upright, waving my arms madly as I tried to grab the chain. My fingertips grazed it and I released a grunt of effort as I snatched it in my hands, sighing my utter relief.

  The chain was sticky with tar, but in a way that helped as I dragged myself up it once more. Colt had descended closer to me, his eyes intense as he watched my struggle.

  “You can do it,” he urged.

  I nodded, huffing a breath as I climbed as fast as I could.

  The platform was just five feet away. Colt reached the top, hauling himself onto the ledge before reaching down, holding a hand out to me.

  “You cannot help,” the man beside him snapped, kicking him in the side.

  Colt sat up on his knees and I fixed my eyes on him, dragging myself up, one foot at a time.

  “Come on,” Colt growled. “You're right here. Just one foot more.”

  I reached up, my fingers grazing the platform. With a wheeze of effort, I snatched hold of it and pulled with all my might. Releasing a breath of determination, I took hold of the wooden ledge with both hands, hauling myself skyward, my legs kicking wildly beneath me.

  When I was up, I rolled onto my back, panting heavily, utterly surprised I'd made it.

  Colt beamed at me, taking my hand and tugging me to my feet. His arms folded around me and he pulled me to his chest in a bone-crushing hug.

  “I knew you could do it,” he breathed in my ear.

  I released a laugh, gripping onto him tightly.

  The crowd roared and cheered below us. I peered over the edge and Colt lifted my hand into the air, whooping in delight.

  “ do we get down?” I muttered, my gut churning at the dizzying drop below us.

  The two men answered by walking away across the platform and passing over a narrow wooden bridge into a cave. I sighed, stepping away from Colt as I followed. The small walkway was nothing in comparison to the climb I'd just made and I was soon in the passage, heading down a series of stone steps that circled through the wall, back toward the clans.

  Colt caught my arm before I reached the bottom, halting me. He fixed me with a dark look. “Is Hawke treating you okay? He didn't...” He trailed off, looking concerned.

  “No, he didn't. He fed from me, that's all.”

  “That's all?” he balked.

  “It's better than the alternative,” I breathed and he nodded, releasing a breath.

  “Did Arabella ask anything of you?” I questioned, wondering if that bothered me. I didn't really know Colt that well. But I liked him enough. And the idea of him being forced to screw Arabella was kinda gross.

  “No...though I don't know how long that will last.”

  “Hurry up!” one of the men shouted at us and we moved on, emerging back down in the cave where Hawke and Arabella were waiting for us, standing in front of their clans.

  Colt and I were parted, pulled into their arms. Hawke held me tight, fixing me in his dark hazel eyes. “You
did well,” he said under his breath. “You will choose your reward.”

  Nox Clan started crying, “Ooh-rah!” over and over, drumming against my ears.

  I realised they were cheering for me and was even more surprised when Hawke lifted me into his arms, chucking me over his shoulder and marching off into the dark cave system.

  I lost sight of Colt as Nox Clan swarmed after us. Tykera hurried to the head of the group, offering me a smile.

  I returned it, flicking my hair out of my eyes, annoyed at being carried like a dead animal by Hawke.

  “I can walk, you know?” I bit at him.

  “And I can carry you,” he replied smoothly. “Shall we list other things we can do?”

  I rolled my eyes, not answering.

  Hawke's harem hurried to surround him, marching with their chins held high. The blonde one scowled at me and I flipped her the finger, figuring I'd earned it. Why was she such a cow? I hadn't done anything to her.

  Hawke didn't plant me down until we arrived back in Nox cavern. He took my elbow, guiding me toward the stairs that led to his room and I was soon placed back in the bathhouse with the harem girls. Hawke left us to it and I sank into the warm water to wash the tar from my body, fully clothed.

  The girls took up their positions on the cushions and the freckly brunette addressed me. “You did well.”

  “Why can't you ever shut up, Elise?” Meredith asked casually, flicking a blonde lock over her shoulder.

  Most of the other girls kept their eyes averted from me.

  “She's officially one of us now, Meredith,” Elise whispered and the Indian girl, Nanook, nodded her agreement.

  Meredith glowered at me, but didn't snap at Elise again.

  The pretty redhead shifted closer to me with a small smile. “I'm Reece.”

  “We're not making friends with a Hunter.” Meredith snapped at her.

  Reece pursed her lips, falling quiet. I guessed Meredith was the leader amongst them.

  “What's your problem?” I asked Meredith as I climbed out of the pool, my clothes dripping water everywhere.

  “You're a Helsing,” she spat.