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Hunter Trials Page 6
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Page 6
I raised a brow at Harlen and he grinned. “Hey, don't look at me like that. You can't tell me you haven't noticed that body.”
I rolled my eyes, but a smile pulled at my lips. Tykera dragged her gaze from Hawke, scowling.
I was tempted to ask her what was wrong, but her dark expression warned me off.
Some of the people at the table were getting up, heading back out of the cave.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
“There'll be brawls this evening,” Harlen answered.
I frowned in concern, feeling exhausted to my core.
Harlen laughed. “Don't worry, they're voluntary, Blondie. You can watch me fight.” He flexed his arms and I smiled.
“You're taking part?” I asked.
Tykera rolled her neck. “He always does. Winners get privileges.”
“What kind of privileges?” I asked.
Harlen gave me a roguish look. “The sexy kind.”
I laughed in surprise. “What? So you're not allowed to have sex unless you win a fight?” The rules here were getting weirder and weirder.
“Yup,” Harlen said. “Pretty much everything around here is earned through fighting.”
“What happens if you break the rules?” I asked.
Someone pressed a hand to my shoulder and I spun around, finding Hawke there, evidently having been listening in on our conversation.
“You get exiled.” He moved on before I could respond and Harlen gazed wistfully after him.
“Damn, I wish he batted for my team,” he moaned.
Tykera spat a laugh. “Hawke doesn't bother with anyone outside of his harem anyway. And he barely bothers with them.”
She threw me a glance and I frowned. Is that what everyone thought? Maybe that was true of the other girls in his harem...
“He certainly isn't getting that from me,” I said and her eyes narrowed.
“What?” she hissed, taking hold of my arm under the table. “But he presented you to the clan.”
I thought of the moment he'd dragged me out onto his balcony and shrugged. “He drank my blood, that's all.”
I wriggled my arm out of her grip, eyeing her. “Were you part of his harem?”
Her cheeks touched with colour and she nodded once stiffly. “All the new girls start in the harem.”
“So you and him..?” I raised my brows and she pressed her lips together.
“Yes...I mean, not straight away. But yes,” she said, her cheeks reddening further. “If he wants it, Mercy, he'll probably just take it from you.” Her tone was mildly bitter.
My brow lowered. Of everyone I'd met so far, Hawke had been one of the kindest. He'd told me himself he wasn't interested in sleeping with me. But what if he was just biding his time? Trying to lure me in so he didn't feel like a rapist?
Well I'm not falling for it.
Attractive men had pursued me plenty of times. I was perfectly capable of holding my own around them.
“Come on.” Harlen rose to his feet. “I want a fight.”
“You want a blowjob,” Tykera muttered and I smothered a giggle.
Harlen threw a mischievous glance back at us as he led the way forward. Some of the clan stayed behind to clean up the table and I wondered if there was some sort of rota in place I wasn't aware of.
We returned to the main cavern where men and women were setting up a ring at the centre of the room, made of ropes tethered to wooden struts. The clan started chucking pillows out of their pods, taking seats around the ring. Tykera headed to hers across the cave and I followed suit, climbing up to mine to grab a pillow. We met up beside the ring, dropping down side by side as the competitors lined up to fight. I spotted Harlen amongst them, rolling his shoulders as he prepared for a brawl.
Hawke appeared up on his balcony, overlooking the ring. I gazed at him, wondering if what Tykera had said had been true. There was no way I was going to sleep with him. But what if his plan was to make me trust him so I'd fall for him and throw myself at him? He'd said he wasn't a rapist and I believed him. From the look of him, half the women in the clan would probably have gone to bed with him willingly. But not me. That was never going to happen.
The first fight broke out between two men, bare-chested and ripped with muscle. When one of them went down, a referee called time on the fight and the winner strode toward the edge of the ring, ducked under the rope and walked straight up to a girl he evidently knew. She sprang to her feet, her dark hair flying around her as she threw her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his lips. They headed away toward one of the pods whilst some of the clan members cat-called after them.
I hugged my knees, glancing at Tykera. “This is weird.”
She broke a smile, leaning closer to me. “It gets a whole lot weirder, Mercy. This is the icing on the cake. But you'll get used to it. Everyone does.”
After a few more fights resulting in couples pairing off into pods, Harlen stepped into the ring. His opponent was taller than him, but not as broad. They both fought with ferocity, their skill evident. Harlen threw heavy punches, aiming for his opponent's ribs. It was hard to watch at times, the blows full-force.
Harlen missed a step and his assailant took the advantage, knocking him to the ground.
Harlen roared in anger, trying to get up, but the referee called time. The beefy winner pulled Harlen up by one hand and they both headed in our direction.
“You let Godric beat you?” Tykera teased as Harlen ducked under the rope, dropping down between us, sharing our pillows.
“Yeah, yeah,” Harlen muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
Godric followed the path he'd taken, exiting the ring and making a beeline for me. He had a thick beard and wolfish eyes. Definitely a Werewolf. I could practically smell it about him.
I raised my brows as he approached, flexing his muscles. “Hey new girl, wanna bunk with me?”
Shock juddered through me.
“Ew.” Tykera grimaced.
Godric swung his eyes from me to her. “I wasn't talking to you.”
“The answer is still ew,” I said and Godric scowled, stalking away, heading toward a couple of girls who looked very keen to take up his offer.
Tykera laughed and Harlen leaned into me, grinning broadly. “That was epic, Mercy. Did you see his face?”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Are all the men so brazen around here?”
“Er-yes?” Harlen answered. “How satisfied do you think the men are in Dødstårn when they have to fight just to get laid?”
“The women too,” Tykera chimed in, pointing to the fight breaking out before us.
Two girls were battling wildly, trying to knock each other to the ground.
Harlen gazed across the room toward a guy watching the fights. He had dark hair that fell into his eyes and two sleeves of tattoos running up to his neck. He glanced over at Harlen with an apologetic frown.
“That your boyfriend?” I nudged Harlen.
He sighed dramatically. “Something like that. His name's Rex.”
“Aren't you gonna tell her your nickname for him?” Tykera teased.
Harlen grinned. “T-Rex.”
I snorted a laugh. I couldn't believe how much laughter had left my throat in the past five minutes. Before I'd entered Dødstårn, I'd never thought I'd laugh again.
I spotted Hawke watching me with interest and my cheeks flushed. I forced the smile from my face, feeling annoyed with him after what Tykera had told me. He suddenly lifted a hand, beckoning me.
My gut spiralled.
I didn't move, half-tempted to glance over my shoulder to see if he'd been addressing someone else.
Harlen pinched my arm, a serious look on his face. “Hurry up, you have to go to him when he calls. It's the rules.”
I sighed, getting to my feet.
Bloody rules.
I circled the ring, walking toward the stairs, dragging my feet as I headed up them.
Hawke opened the door as I loitered outside
it, wasting time. He raised a brow, taking my arm and pulling me inside. I dug in my heels as he shut the door behind me.
“It took you a long time to walk a hundred feet,” he remarked.
“I didn't wanna come. I was enjoying the show.”
“You can watch it with me,” he said.
“I want to watch it with my friends.”
He glared at me, releasing my arm. “You know, I could penalise you for the sass you're giving me right now.”
I gave him an admonished look. “Oh what are you gonna do, Hawke? Cut off my hands?”
He gave me a dark stare and my confidence began to dwindle. “What's got into you?”
“Nothing,” I muttered, knowing I sounded childish but not caring.
He scraped a hand through his hair which was currently hanging loose from its braids. “Take your top off.”
“No!” I snapped in alarm. What. The. Hell?
He shook his head at me. “I need to cleanse the tattoo. You'll get an infection otherwise.”
“Oh,” I breathed, my cheeks flushing hot.
I tugged my top over my head, but kept it hugged to my chest, turning so he could look at my back. His fingers brushed over the sore skin and I stiffened. “You flinched less when I was tattooing you. What's going on, Mercy?”
I sighed, watching as he walked across the room, picking up a small, glass bottle from the table and a ball of linen.
“I just don't like you bossing me around,” I said, not wanting to dob in Tykera for what she'd said. Plus, if I revealed what she'd told me, he might drop the nice-guy act and do whatever he liked with me.
“Well, get used to it,” he said, pouring some of the liquid onto the cloth and moving behind me again. He dabbed it onto my shoulder and I sucked in air between my teeth as my skin burned where it touched.
“I'm the leader of the clan. Bossing people around is kind of my thing.” His tone was light but firm.
“Okay,” I replied simply.
“Okay..?” he prompted.
I frowned, trying to figure out what he meant. “Okay...sir?” I tried and he burst out laughing.
My cheeks burned like hellfire.
“I meant, are you really okay? Because you seem pretty pissed with me.”
He dabbed more of the stinging liquid onto my skin.
“Just something someone said about you. I don't know if you're that good of a guy,” I said, hoping he wouldn't delve any deeper into who I'd spoken to.
Thankfully, he didn't. “There's a lot of rumours about me in this clan. Not all of them are true.”
“But some of them are?”
“Yes,” he said hesitantly. “So perhaps you could enlighten me as to what you heard? Then I can tell you if it's true or not.”
I turned to him, pulling my top back on as he nodded for me to do so.
I considered him a moment, then said, “No.”
“No?” he questioned in surprise like no one had ever said the word to him in his life.
I folded my arms, nodding.
He breathed a laugh. “Fine, well let me tell you some of the rumours that are true. I did kill my competitor on my first day in Dødstårn within fifteen seconds. I did cut a man's head off for raping a girl in my clan. I did string his body up to rot on the edge of my balcony for six weeks to remind everyone what would happen to them if they repeated his actions. And I did nearly kill Bain, leader of Tenebris, after he tried to steal our clan's rations two years ago.”
I breathed in deeply, absorbing the information.
“Did that cover any of the rumours you've heard?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Maybe.”
He shook his head at me as if he couldn't work me out. “Come on, the brawls will end soon.” He led me out onto the balcony where two chairs were lined up before the edge.
I dropped into one, gazing down at the fight that was taking place between a man and a woman. The girl was on his shoulders, her muscular thighs wrapped around his neck. She leant back with her hands around his head as she tried to bring him to the ground. With a yell of effort, she managed it and I smiled, impressed.
I'd quite like to learn that move...
I spotted Meredith gazing up at us with a dark scowl on her face. I glared back at her and felt Hawke shifting closer, following my line of sight.
“Don't mind her,” he muttered.
“She hates me for some reason.”
“She envies you,” he said simply, examining his nails.
I glanced at his cocky expression, blowing out a breath. “Why exactly?”
“Because you're spending a lot of time with me.” He shot me a roguish grin and I rolled my eyes.
“Please feel free to hang out with her instead. I'm happy being on my own.”
His grin dropped. “Most of the girls are glad of the protection I offer in the harem. Many don't wish to ascend to higher ranks. But I usually push them to after a few months.”
“I guess I'm different,” I said.
“Then you will have to do well in the trial at the end of the week,” he said, his tone terse.
Had I annoyed him? What did he care if I moved out of his harem? Did he like my blood that much?
“What does it involve?” I asked.
He tapped his nose. “That's a secret.”
“Great,” I sighed, resting back in my seat. After a beat, I said, “Spend time with Meredith, will you? I don't need enemies in this place.”
“Hm,” he grunted. “I'd rather not.”
“Why?” I eyed him in my periphery.
“I believe Meredith has feelings for me that are...unrequited on my part. It can be uncomfortable at times. At least with you, things are clear cut. The other girls in my harem quake if I simply look at them. You do not fear me and you do not wish to sleep with me. So it's a win-win situation. And I must be seen to spend time with at least one of the girls in my harem, it's expected of me.”
I sighed. “So if I come on to you...will you leave me alone?”
He barked a laugh. “Do try, I imagine it would be quite amusing. You don't seem like much of a flirt.”
I laughed, cupping my hand over my mouth.
You have no idea, Hawke.
“Why's that funny?” he asked. He was so damn inquisitive.
“It just is,” I said simply.
“Hm, I can't figure you out Mercy Helsing. Perhaps that's another reason I like having you around. Everyone here is so forthcoming when I ask them questions. No one wants to offend me. But you seem to be making it your personal mission.”
I spotted a man marching into the cave, flanked by three large brutes in gleaming black armour.
My gut lurched at the sight of Bain, his half-bone mask covering one side of his face, his lank black hair running down the other side of it.
A hush fell over the clan and Hawke rose to his feet, calling out across the space. “It is customary to send word before visiting my clan, Bain. You continue to test my patience.”
Bain surveyed the room, moving through the clan who spit and hissed at him. He didn't seem remotely affected by Hawke's words.
Bain tilted his head up toward the balcony, whipping his black cape to the side as someone tried to pull it. “Forgive me, Hawke, I only wish to talk. Perhaps I can ascend to your palace for a chat?” he jibed.
Hawke nodded to him then took my arm, pulling me to my feet. “Go back downstairs.”
His tone was final, so I scurried away, heading out of the room and passing into the stairway. Bain met me on the stairs, blocking my path. He breathed in deeply, moving closer, gazing down his crooked nose at me. “You chose the wrong clan, little bird.”
His presence made my insides twist sharply. “I don't think so,” I whispered.
He reached out, taking a lock of my hair between his fingers. “I can fight for you, you know? If I challenge Hawke.”
A sharp lump lodged in my throat. “And why would you do
that?” I breathed, fear spilling through me.
He was huge and his black eyes held only death in them.
“Because I want you. And I always get what I want,” he growled.
I tugged my hair free from his palm, glowering.
He stepped onto my stair, squaring his shoulders toward me so I had to press back against the wall to avoid him. His breath rolled over me and I could almost taste his desire for me. My stomach churned in response.
In your dreams, creep.
“Hawke would probably hand you to me if I traded him a couple of strong men. He needs to win the next Harvest. You will not be of much help in that fight, little bird.”
I wet my desperately dry mouth, trying to fight away my fear.
“He wouldn't,” I whispered.
His rumbling laughter filled the air. “You don't know Hawke like I do.”
“Bain,” Hawke's commanding tone cut into me.
I gazed up the stairs as a slit of light fell over us from the doorway. Hawke glared at Bain with a fury that spoke of the killer in him. And I was suddenly grateful for his presence.
Bain smirked at me before heading away and my shoulders sagged. I hurried down the stairs, thankful to be away from his vile aura.
When I exited the stairway, the brawls had finished and the clan were tidying away the ring. Tykera moved toward me, touching my arm as she arrived. “Are you alright? You look like death warmed up.”
I glanced over my shoulder, Bain's words still crawling under my skin. “Bain,” I said simply and she nodded as if she understood entirely.
“Don't ever be alone with him,” she hissed, pulling me closer. “Girls from each clans have been found dead in Dødstårn before. No one's proved it was Bain, but everyone knows it was. And they weren't just dead, Mercy, they were naked and...totally mutilated.”
I held my breath, fear pounding through me. “But we're safe here, aren't we? How does he get near any of the girls outside of his clan?”
Tykera gave me a dark look. “He's a Siren.” She glanced over my shoulder and I turned, spotting Bain's men watching us. My stomach rolled at the idea of being under Bain's spell, lured to him by his Siren gifts.
“Come.” Tykera guided me across the room. “Don't let them see which pod you're in. Stay with me a while.”